Hogarth Brown, 
Astrology, Archetypes (The Archetypal Blueprint), Tarotreading
Hogarth is the author of The Candid Guide to Neo-Vedic Astrology, the best-selling book in its category, and an Artist, Illustrator, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, and YouTuber with thousands of clients from all over the world, with almost 20 thousand subscribers and over 3.5 million views worldwide. He began his journey with Astrology at the tender age of 8 years old and has continued to explore and understand the human condition via astrology ever since, specialising in Neo-Vedic Astrology, which honours the 5,000-year traditions of Vedic Astrology but combines that with the outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, as well as Ceres and Chiron. This combination of factors has helped bring profound insights and much healing to his global clients, who treasure his insights and healing knowledge.